The menu will now be: pizza, wedges, beans with fruit or yoghurt for pudding.
P1 Enrolment Week – Enrolment week for primary one will be open from Friday 17 February until Friday 24 February 2023. During enrolment week you need to complete an online enrolment form:…/S/School-Enrolments.htm
If you choose to defer your child, please confirm this with your Early Learning and Childcare setting and your child will automatically be carried forward for an additional year. You will not therefore be required to complete a registration form for Primary One.
Placing Requests
Parents who wish to apply for a place at a school or early learning and childcare (ELC) setting other than their local school should complete an online Placing Request form accessed in Education/Learning from the OIC website during that week and thereafter. Further Information is available within the ‘School Placing Requests’ page which can also be accessed from the ‘Related Links’ section.
Where possible, parents’ wishes are met, however this might not always be possible should demand exceed the number of places available. Due to the change in legislation with regards to deferrals it will not be possible to consider placing requests or split placements in our Kirkwall ELC settings this year (Glaitness, Kirkwall, Strynd). Only exceptional requests will be considered.
School transport is not available for placing requests.
Outdoor Education Report 2022
NHS Orkney Winter Illness Advice
A new Scottish Government website has been launched to signpost advice and financial support available to people in Scotland. It includes information about support with increasing energy bills, Scottish and UK social security payments and benefits, support with housing costs, payments for families, as well as where to get further advice, benefit calculators, and wider health and wellbeing information. Click the link below which will take you straight to the website:
Winter Newsletter Oct 2022
Check out the Winer Newsletter link below for information about Weather Disruption procedures, where to find up-to-date information, school transport and parental responsibilities, being safe, seen and warm this winter and information about coughs, colds, sneezes, COVID and the Winter Vomiting Bug.
To see the Glaitness Primary 2021-22 Standards and Quality Report and 2023 School Improvement Plan, click the link below: