Click on the links below for some useful online learning resources.
Glaitness Online Safety Policy Update Jan 2023
Kidz to Adultz
The second issue of the new Kidz to Adultz magazine is now online to read here.
It’s packed full of useful and interesting articles including:
- A self-care guide for parent-carers
- Low cost clothing adaptations that make a difference
- A guide to moving & handling
- Autism experiences that have resulted in an inspirational book
- …and much more!
Thinkuknow is a website where Parents/Carers can find advice on helping their children use the web safely. Click on this link:
There are fun games and resources created for the following age groups:
Also, check out:Grid Club and Study Ladder
What Parents Need to Know About
What do you know about the safety risks of Netflix, Snapchat, Squid Game, Tik Tok, Social Bots, Tinder, Pokemon Go….? Check out the free guides by clicking on the image below: