What should children bring to school?
We encourage children to wear our school uniform sweatshirt and t-shirt, available from Trek and Travel and Logo Orkney, but this is not compulsory. In support of this our ‘Top Swap’ is open during school hours in the school foyer, where you can browse and take school pre-loved uniform. Donations to the school fund are welcome but not required when taking items. Our school uniform colour is blue, if you wish to purchase uniform-style clothes, without a school logo.
We have a lot of lost property, and we cannot stress enough that pupils’ names need to be added to jackets as out-door wear can easily become lost. Marking names with a sharpie pen on the label makes this easy, without the need to sew or iron on name tags. If you are missing any items, lost property is available to check at the school office.
A waterproof jacket is recommended in all seasons. Wellies need a wooden clothes peg with your child’s name on, if you have it, otherwise a wellie named with a sharpie pen can also help us to find their owners. Spare socks – children often get wet feet. Puddles are fun, a spare pair of socks in the school bag is recommended.
School bag– this needs to be big enough to accommodate the items listed below, and to fit a A4 sized folder for books. Pencil Case – Children love to have their own pencil case however these do not need to be too large. There is limited space on pupils desks and drawers and items can be easily lost.
• Pencils and a rubber
• We use whiteboard pens all the time, so a black whiteboard pen would be great. Colouring-in pencils and pens are super, but please do not send your child in to school with Sharpie pens. They offer lovely colours, but they soak right through paper and can damage tables and clothing.
PE Kit – we expect children to change for PE, we have 2 hours of PE each week. Children should have appropriate trainers for PE, they can wear leggings or shorts but NO jeans for PE please. A spare T-shirt to change into is also needed. It is good to have a PE kit bag which stays in school and is taken home from time to time.
Art Apron – this could be an old t-shirt or shirt that belongs to a grown up at home so long as it covers sleeves. Please put your child’s name on this too.
Packed Lunch – A lunch box or bag, again with your children’s name, on is important. No glass items should be included. A plastic water bottle is preferred and where possible please only supply water or squash in re-useable bottles. Please note that fizzy drinks, including all types of Prime, Lucozade Sport and colas, must not be brought to school and may be confiscated.